Welcome to Our New Research Fellows!

We are thrilled to announce that a group of exceptional research fellows is joining NAVI Research Institute today, July 1st!
These talented individuals bring a wealth of knowledge, diverse perspectives, and innovative ideas to our team. Their expertise spans various fields, and we are excited to see the groundbreaking research and collaborative projects that will emerge from their contributions.

Please join us in welcoming:

Edward Salo

Edward Salo, Research Fellow 

Edward Salo is a history professor and the Heritage Studies Ph.D. program associate director at Arkansas State University. He received his Ph.D. in Public History and MA in History from Middle Tennessee State University and a BS from East Tennessee State University. He was also a member of the first Normandy Scholars program at the University of Tennessee. Before coming to A-State, Dr. Salo was a senior historian with several cultural resources management firms across the Southeastern United States for 14 years where he authored or co-authored over 250 reports. In addition to his academic roles, Dr. Salo is one of the hosts of the “Sea Control Podcast” from the Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC); serves on the editorial board of the Journal of American Military Past; is a LtCol Kevin Shea Senior Research Fellow for Key Terrain Cyber; was a member of New America’s Nuclear Security Futures Group; served as a research fellow at the Modern War Institute at West Point, and the Joint Special Operations University; and is a member of the advisory board for the National Cold War Center. Additionally, his work has been published in the Journal of American Military Past, 1945, Inkstick, National Interest, Eunomia Journal: The Journal of the US Army Civil Affairs Association, and by the Modern War Institute and the US Army Corps of Engineers. Finally, Dr. Salo has presented at numerous conferences, including the USMA Social Studies Department Security Seminar in 2023 and 2024. 

Jon Crocker

Jon Crocker, Research Fellow 

Jon Crocker is a U.S. Army veteran (1983-2007) serving with NATO from 1997-2000 from Stuttgart, Germany as part of SOCEUR with multiple combat deployments throughout the former Yugoslavia and Kosovo.  Most notably, he served as a courier between the UN-ICTY at The Hague, the EUCOM HQ of the NATO Supreme Allied Commander, and the SFOR Commander in Sarajevo.  Today, he is a Clinical Professor at the University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business with research interests in furthering peace and prosperity through international trade and sustainable development.


Nicholas James Redic

Nicholas James Redic, Junior Research Fellow  

Nicholas James Redic is a Junior Research Fellow at NAVI, working with the Regional Security Studies program. He holds a master’s degree in international relations and European Union studies from the University of Tartu in Estonia, as well as bachelor’s degrees in Global Business and Finance from Cedarville University in the United States. With a passion for humanitarian work, Nicholas has previously served in the United States Peace Corps as a Community Economic Development Volunteer in Senegal, which inspired his master’s thesis, “Views of the Liberal International Order in sub-Saharan Africa: Reactions to Russian Aggression in Ukraine.” Nicholas is committed to promoting international peace and security, as well as enhancing transatlantic, EU-Africa, and EU-Middle East relations and understanding.  

Nicholas is a dual U.S.-Estonian citizen who speaks native English and is proficient in French and Wolof. He also has some knowledge of Estonian, Ukrainian, and Dutch.

John Sunday Ojo

John Sunday Ojo, Research Fellow 

Dr. John Sunday Ojo obtained a PhD from the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom. He earned a Master of Arts in Global Development from the University of Leeds in the UK and a Master of Science in Urban Management and Development with a concentration in Environment, Sustainability, and Climate Change from Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He also holds a BSc (Hons) in Local Government Studies from Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. A wide range of issues are at the core of his expertise, including armed conflict, violent extremism, terrorism, counterinsurgency (COIN), counterterrorism, African affairs, and international security. He co-edited a book published by Palgrave Macmillan titled “Armed Banditry in Nigeria: Evolution, Dynamics, and Trajectories.” Dr. Ojo’s works have appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals, including Civil Wars, Democracy and Security, RUSI Journal, African Security, International Journal of Public Administration, Journal of Applied Security Research, and Conflict Resolution Quarterly, among others. 

Ana Aguilera

Ana Aguilera, Junior Research Fellow 

Ana is a consultant and analyst specializing in security and governance issues. She is a partner at SOTER4 and a lead researcher at the International Observatory for Terrorism Studies (OIET), where she also coordinates the Observatory of West Africa program. Ana leads multiple projects and research teams focused on defense, peace, and security, particularly in the Sahel, North Africa, and the Middle East. She collaborates with national and international organizations and universities in Spain and has authored several publications in academic and non-academic journals. Ana holds a degree in International Relations from Rey Juan Carlos University and a Master’s in Geopolitics and Strategic Studies from Carlos III University of Madrid. 

The NAVI Research Institute is the research division of NATO Veterans Initiative - NAVI that provides a unique perspective to transatlantic leaders and societies on peace and security through the lens of NATO's founding principles of rule of law, democracy, human rights, and individual liberties. The NAVI Research Institute was officially established by the NAVI Board on July 16th, 2023.


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