About NATO Veterans Initiative – NAVI​

Who is NAVI

Welcome to NATO Veterans Initiative - NAVI

NAVI is a non-profit, nonpartisan, and non-governmental transatlantic veteran organization for research, advocacy, networking, empowerment and solidarity. ​

As former active-duty soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines from NATO countries, we deeply value the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Our unique group, having fought to protect these ideals, appreciates the significance of the advocacy of these shared values to global peace through robust research. In a world where the lines between war and peace are blurred, and threats to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law are uncertain, NAVI also believes in the power of solidarity among veterans. We strive to contribute to the ongoing efforts to preserve these ideals for a better future.

At NAVI, we are dedicated to bridging two critical gaps for military veterans of NATO countries:

Research and Advocacy for Democratic Values

Recognizing a significant deficiency in veteran advocacy, particularly concerning democratic values, the rule of law, and individual freedoms, NAVI actively engages in research and analysis. We are committed to promoting these fundamental principles by elevating the voices of NATO Veterans. Through our dual approach, NAVI not only advocates for the values that underpin democracies and freedoms but also creates a vital support network for veterans.

Fostering Transatlantic Veteran Relations

NAVI steps in to bridge the gap created by the absence of a dedicated transatlantic organization for veterans. Our mission is to provide a cohesive platform for networking, empowerment, and solidarity among NATO Veterans. In doing so, we strive to create meaningful connections that endure beyond military service, fostering a community of support that spans continents.​

NAVI Research Institute - Vision

Our Vision

Dedicated to advancing democratic values through research and advocacy efforts, NAVI envisions a world where the bonds forged in service endure. Our commitment transcends borders as we strive to create a dynamic network, providing support to NATO Veterans and their families. In line with this vision, NAVI is steadfast in ensuring that the principles of democracy, the rule of law, and individual freedoms remain at the forefront of our mission, fostering a global community built on enduring connections.​

Our Purpose

Promoting NATO's Founding Principles: Central to NAVI's mission is the promotion of NATO's core principles – the rule of law, democracy, human rights, and individual liberties. Through rigorous research and analysis, we contribute to consequential engagements that monitor global threats to peace and democracy.​

Guiding Global Issues: NAVI serves as a key council, steering the discussion on dynamic and challenging global issues. Our distinguished network of NATO Veterans lends insight and expertise, making a tangible impact on the world stage.​

Connecting Veterans Globally: NAVI is dedicated to uniting NATO Veterans across the globe. Through networking initiatives, we facilitate connections that span social and economic perspectives, offering a vibrant international platform for shared experiences.​

Empowerment and Solidarity: We believe in empowering our NATO Veterans. NAVI provides opportunities for personal and professional growth, creating a sense of solidarity that extends beyond military service. Our programs aim to enhance the lives of Veterans and their families.​

Our Motto

At NAVI, we honor the past, strengthen the present, and shape the future. Join us on this transformative journey as we continue to make a positive impact in the lives of NATO Veterans and contribute to a more secure and connected world.


History of NAVI

The NATO Veterans Initiative endeavored to initiate discussions and lay the foundations for a non-profit, nonpartisan, and non-governmental trans-Atlantic veteran organization, aiming to conduct research and advocacy for shared values and bring together veterans from NATO countries. The concept had been circulating among a select group of veterans from various NATO nations for some time. In 2021, a LinkedIn page was deemed an appropriate platform to expand ongoing discussions about the formation of a "NATO Veterans" organization and was activated.​

The response to the idea was met with great enthusiasm and interest from veterans. The belief was that such an organization could create valuable networking, empowerment, and solidarity opportunities, serving as a valuable asset in upholding NATO's founding principles: democracy, the rule of law, and freedom.​

In its early stages, this idea sought powerful minds to collaboratively work on creating an acceptable framework to move forward. All veterans of NATO countries were invited to participate and become creators and founders of this unique effort by sharing their thoughts.​

The LinkedIn page served as an open platform for all NATO Veterans interested in the idea to voice their opinions. The NATO Veterans Initiative's White Paper was drafted, discussed, and finalized on the LinkedIn page. As a group of enthusiastic NATO veterans began creating content, the decision was made to establish our own website. ​

The next step was the establishment of NAVI. Following its incorporation as of June 13th, 2023, in Washington DC, NAVI has been granted, as of July 5th, 2023, an exemption by the IRS from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) and was coined as a public charity.​

The NAVI Research Institute, which is the research institute of NATO Veterans Initiative - NAVI that provides a unique perspective to transatlantic leaders and societies on peace and security through the lens of NATO's founding principles of rule of law, democracy, human rights, and individual liberties was officially established by the NAVI Board on July 16th, 2023.

Important Disclaimer: This page is not officially affiliated with NATO, and the term NATO only refers to a set geography and shared ideals.​