Interview with Elisabeth Braw

As part of NAVI Speaker Series, we welcomed the renowned author Elisabeth Braw and discussed her latest book, “Goodbye Globalization”.

Elisabeth Braw

What an incredible interview session it was! Time flew by, as we listened to excellent insights of Elisabeth Braw, the author of “Goodbye Globalization” in topics ranging from de-globalization, business and supply chain ramifications, security aspects, NATO’s role, and the expectations and hopes for the Gen Z for the second round of globalization!

Here are two quotes from the interview. More is coming soon!

It really is important that people who are involved with NATO whether as employees or former employees or in the surrounding orbits of think tankers to not just exist within that orbit but engage and be involved with outside of that NATO orbit. It’s so easy to get comfortable within inside the NATO web and attend only the NATO related conferences hear the same argument over and over again; that’s all that has been said is brilliant but well yet there is a whole other world, for example business community, the world of new threats facing the NATO member states. NATO will not become irrelevant it is relevant as the organization that defends the territory of its member states but I think it risks becoming less relevant in the policy debate outside NATO circles if  those who are involved with NATO do not acknowledge these threats and present solutions to them and I think one really important aspect that NAVI could help address is bring business executives into the conversation.  They have incredible insights that are rarely listened or heard or engaged with within NATO circles.”


“With Gen Z, we would try globalization again and but on a less ambitious basis; not assuming that we have this harmony with all of our trading partners but just pursue globalization as a handshake rather than an embrace and not assume that our partners will become like us but also not assume that they will always trade fairly and as a result not make ourselves as dependent on them as we did on this first round.”

Dr. Ibrahim Kocaman is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Security Studies & International Affairs at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science (with a focus on Comparative Politics and International Relations) from the University of North Texas in 2022. He also has Master of Arts in International Security Studies (from Air War College) and Master of Science in Electronic Warfare Systems Engineering (from Naval Postgraduate School) degrees. His research and teaching interests include civil-military relations, interstate and civil conflict, conflict management, human rights, intelligence, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Dr. Kocaman served as an intelligence officer at the Turkish Air Force prior to his academic career. He also served in Afghanistan and at NATO with operational intelligence assignments.

Dr. Hasan Celik is an accomplished academic and professional with a distinguished military and academic career recognized with numerous awards and honors. Currently serving as an assistant professor of management at Robert Morris University, Dr. Celik is a logistics, operations, and supply chain management specialist with a Ph.D. from the University of North Texas. His educational journey is marked by excellence, with a BS in systems engineering with a minor in industrial engineering from the Military Academy, an MS in management (Human resource management - Manpower systems analysis) from Naval Postgraduate School, and an MA in international security strategy management and leadership from Army War College. His military background is equally impressive, having served in various capacities within the Turkish military, including as a military assistant to a 3-star general at NATO HQ in Brussels. His research focus on supply chain relations, performance-based contracting, and the impact of human factors on supply chain decisions has led to significant contributions, as evidenced by his numerous publications in reputable journals and presentations at international conferences.


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