Transatlantic Security Studies

The NAVI Research Institute conducts cutting-edge research on Transatlantic Security Studies, exploring key issues and challenges to foster a deeper understanding and collaboration in the realm of security between North America and Europe.​ ​

-NATO and Collective Defense​
-European Security Architecture and NATO​
-Transatlantic Cybersecurity Cooperation​
-Counterterrorism Cooperation​
-Arms Control and Non-Proliferation​
-Energy Security and Infrastructure​
-Climate Security​
-Migration and Border Security​
-Political Alliances and Diplomacy -Confronting Threats to Democracy​
-Military Cooperation and Strategic Planning​
-Public Opinion and Transatlantic Relations

Strengthening NATO and EU Industrial Capacity in Response to...

In the face of escalating geopolitical tensions, primarily emanating from China and Russia, the need for NATO...

A Perspective on NATO’s Birth and Future

1949 Twelve countries sign the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949 in Washington, D. C. and...

Strengthening NATO and EU Industrial Capacity in Response to Threats Emanating from China and...

In the face of escalating geopolitical tensions, primarily emanating from China and Russia, the need for NATO and the EU to bolster their industrial capacity has never been more...

A Perspective on NATO’s Birth and Future

1949 Twelve countries sign the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949 in Washington, D. C. and bring the Alliance to life. () A Glance at NATO’s History  The establishment of...

NAVI at Live News!

Dr. Mustafa Kirisci, Assistant Professor of Homeland Security at DeSales University, and volunteering content editor, here, at NATO Veterans Initiative, participated in a live news program on AL24news -...
