NAVI Research InstituteSocial, Economic & Security Studies

Social, Economic & Security Studies

The NAVI Research Institute's Social, Economic & Security Studies Research Program is a comprehensive initiative addressing the intricate intersections of social dynamics, economic statecraft, energy geopolitics, and the impact of sanctions. Through Social Studies, the program investigates the societal aspects influencing security paradigms, providing insights into the human dimensions of complex global challenges. Economic Statecraft explores the strategic use of economic tools to advance security objectives, fostering an understanding of the intricate relationship between economics and security. In Energy & Geopolitics, the program analyzes the geopolitical implications of energy dynamics, recognizing the critical role of energy resources in shaping security landscapes. Additionally, the program delves into the multifaceted impact of sanctions, scrutinizing their efficacy and consequences in the realm of international security. By encompassing these diverse aspects, the Social, Economics & Security Research Program contributes valuable perspectives to inform comprehensive and effective security strategies.

Reflections on Civil-Military Relations in Fragile States

Civil-military relations involve the interactions of the military as an institution with civilian actors, groups, and organizations...

A Scoping Review of the Effects of Climate Change...

Highlights Although climate change has traditionally been discussed regarding its consequences on the physical environment, recent studies...

Reflections on Civil-Military Relations in Fragile States

Civil-military relations involve the interactions of the military as an institution with civilian actors, groups, and organizations within or across countries. In fragile states where governance structures are weak,...

A Scoping Review of the Effects of Climate Change on Crime Rates

Highlights Although climate change has traditionally been discussed regarding its consequences on the physical environment, recent studies have shed light on its potential to influence crime rates within societies. ...

Interview with Elisabeth Braw

As part of NAVI Speaker Series, we welcomed the renowned author Elisabeth Braw and discussed her latest book, “Goodbye Globalization”. What an incredible interview session it was! Time flew by,...

Enhancing Supplier Commitment through Performance-Based Contracting

The dynamic business landscape necessitates innovative approaches to buyer-supplier relationships, with Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) emerging as a pivotal strategy. This policy summary is derived from a comprehensive study that...

The Role of Military Service in Human Life and Behavior

Highlights Although military structures and enlistment characteristics have evolved over time, military service continues to be a profoundly transformative experience for individuals worldwide. Military service functions as a powerful...

Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS) 2021 Conference

NATO Veterans Initiative Participated in the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS) 2021 Conference – Reston Virginia. The Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS) is a...

Navigating Challenges and Harnessing Potential: Refugee Entrepreneurship and Immigrant Integration

The landscape of refugee entrepreneurship in the United States is one characterized by a complex interplay of inherent challenges and support programs. While the federal government endeavors to provide...

NAVI Research Institute Exclusive: A Conversation with Professor Mark Eyskens on Migration

As part of the NAVI Research Institute interview series, we had the extraordinary privilege of engaging in a captivating conversation with the renowned Belgian economist, academic, and politician, a...

Head of Social, Economic & Security Studies

Uğur Orak

Research Fellow

Ugur Orak, Ph.D., is a criminologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University. His research interests include developmental and life-course criminology, mental health, and military sociology.



Uğur Orak

Research Fellow

Ugur Orak, Ph.D., is a criminologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University. His research interests include developmental and life-course criminology, mental health, and military sociology.

Sedat Çevikparmak

Research Fellow

Dr. Sedat Cevikparmak is the Chairman of the Board of Directors at NATO Veterans Initiative - NAVI. Graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1997, he specialized in Nuclear Engineering and Foreign Area Studies (FAS) with a focus on the Middle East.