NATO Veterans Day

Our Purpose

The NATO Veterans Initiative - NAVI, guided by the principles outlined in the NATO Veterans White Paper, proposes the establishment of "NATO Veterans Day" on April 4th. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been a symbol of international cooperation, solidarity, and peace since its establishment on April 4th, 1949; and the men and women who have served under the banner of NATO have demonstrated unwavering dedication to the principles of democracy, freedom, and the collective defense of member nations; and it is fitting and proper to recognize and honor the sacrifices, contributions, and commitment of NATO veterans who have served in the defense of shared values and the protection of global peace. To this end, his initiative seeks to extend the network of veterans in NATO member and partner countries, fostering a shared awareness and commitment to upholding the values for which we fought. "NATO Veterans Day" will serve as a pivotal moment to amplify the educated perspectives and opinions of NATO Veterans, reinforcing NATO's dedication to its core principles.

NATO Veterans' Day


Official Recognition of "NATO Veterans Day": Advocate for the official designation of April 4th as "NATO Veterans Day" to commemorate the founding of NATO and honor the collective bravery and dedication of NATO veterans who have contributed to the alliance's mission of preserving peace and security.​

Network Expansion: Strengthen and expand the network of NATO veterans in member and partner countries, facilitating improved communication and collaboration.​

Shared Awareness and Stance: Cultivate a strongly shared awareness and stance among NATO veterans regarding the values and principles that unite us.​

Empowerment of NATO Veterans: Empower NATO Veterans to voice their educated perspectives and opinions on matters crucial to NATO's continued commitment to its core principles.​

Transatlantic Solidarity: Build transatlantic solidarity among NATO Veterans, fostering a sense of unity and support for one another in various aspects of post-service life.​

Holistic Support: Provide comprehensive support to NATO Veterans, encompassing social and economic perspectives with an international scope.