NAVI Scholarship

We are delighted to announce the launch of the NATO Veterans Initiative (NAVI) Scholarship, a groundbreaking program aimed at providing crucial financial support to the children of honorable NATO veterans. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to fostering empowerment, solidarity, and the values upheld by NATO veterans.​

Mission and Background​

The NAVI Scholarship is dedicated to empowering the legacy of those who have served professionally with honor in the militaries of the member countries of North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Our mission is to ease the path for the children of NATO veterans as they pursue higher education.​

Since our inception in June 2023 in Washington DC, NAVI has worked tirelessly to unite veterans and create a network that supports their families. Recognized as a public charity under the IRS tax exemption, NAVI is devoted to upholding the values of democracy, human rights, and rule of law.​

Vision for the Future​

Financial Support for Education: Alleviating financial constraints to enable children of NATO veterans to pursue higher education.​

Nurturing Unity: Fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among scholarship recipients.​

Upholding Values: Advocating for the core principles of democracy, human rights, and rule of law.​

Project Overview​

The NAVI Student Tuition Support Program aims to offer vital financial assistance to the children of NATO veterans pursuing higher education. The program covers both undergraduate and graduate students, including those attending four-year colleges and two-year community colleges.​

Project Scope and Goals​

NAVI scholarship is designed to support children of NATO veterans when they are studying abroad. The program will roll out in three phases: USA, Canada, and Europe, strategically addressing the unique needs of NATO Veterans' descendants in each region. Our goal is to allocate $100,000 for each Academic year.​

Expected Outcomes​

Educational Empowerment: Providing vital financial assistance to enable academic focus.​

Community Building: Fostering unity and collaboration among scholarship recipients.​

Advocacy for Core Values: Championing democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.​

Fundraising Goal​

Contributions are eligible for tax deductions, and we anticipate gifts ranging from $1,000 to $50,000.​


"As a child raised in a military family, the NAVI Scholarship is not just financial support; it represents acknowledgment of the unique struggles faced by children of military families, like me. Your support goes beyond dollars; it signifies a recognition of the sacrifices inherent in a military family's journey, and for that, I am immensely grateful."​


We believe that with your support, the NAVI Scholarship will significantly enhance the educational journeys of NATO veterans' children. We pledge transparency, accountability, and regular updates to ensure responsible utilization. Join us in making a transformative impact on their lives.​

Together, let's make a lasting impact on the lives of these remarkable individuals.​

PS: Your commitment will be a beacon of hope for NATO veterans' children, illuminating their path towards academic dreams. Join us in making a transformative impact in their lives, honoring the sacrifices they've endured for the greater good.​